For many people, regaining financial independence after incarceration is one of the greatest barriers to a stable life for themselves and for their families. Upon release, many people struggle to find housing and stable employment. That contributes to recidivism and poverty.
“The evidence tells us that one of the biggest indicators of success after leaving prison is economic stability,” says Bay Area TimeDone member Succatti Shaw. “With proper resources and support, Americans with old legal records can jumpstart their future and help improve the nation’s economy.”

According to TimeDone, 650,000 Americans are released from prison every year and it is almost impossible to be economically stable, due to lack of access to financial programs and services. Through TimeDone’s program, the public safety organization Alliance for Safety and Justice provides resources and support to combat post-conviction poverty. The program provides resources related to credit repair, home-buying, record clearance, and more.
“Millions of Americans, just like me, have served their time; millions more simply have an arrest that never led to conviction sitting on their records. We want to build a better future for ourselves, our families, and our communities, yet a record too often shuts us out of opportunities to move forward.” - Jay Jordan, CEO of Alliance for Safety and Justice and national director of the organization’s TimeDone program
Learn more about TimeDone’s Economic Empowerment Program here:
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