Janie’s Life-Changing Baked Goods was founded in 2015 by Janie Deegan, who had been homeless and recovering from addiction. At 25 years old, she found personal solace in baking - as a structured activity, creative outlet, and way to connect with people. Baking changed her life, and becoming an entrepreneur enabled her to change others lives, too.
A felony friendly bakery? That's right! Janie's has an open door hiring policy, which includes providing work for past felons and mentorship to help them succeed. As a proud second chance company, Deegan says that if you're willing, able, and enthusiastic about coming to work, she'll give you a chance, regardless of your past history of incarceration, homelessness, or gaps in your resume.

Her two bakeries is in NYC (Harlem and the Upper West Side) are most famous for being the home of the Pie Crust Cookie. That invention helped her to earn several scholarship and it was selected as one of the Top 20 Cookie Spots in NYC by the Gothamist. Currently, she is working on launching the Pie Crust Cookie at Whole Foods and other supermarkets.
Deegan gives a lot back to her community, by providing second chance employment, teaching baking classes to underprivileged youth in East Harlem, and donating time and cookies to local community centers and homeless shelters.
Visit Janie’s Life-Changing Baked Goods’ website, where you can learn more about her story and order her delicious cookies! https://janiebakes.com/
There are other great bakery companies who hire felons, including Greyston Bakery (https://www.greyston.org/): "More than a brownie. More than a job." We encourage other employers across industries to embrace fair chance hiring. We also encourage consumers to support businesses who give second chances.
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