The Homecoming Project was created by Impact Justice, a nonprofit organization in California. The project addresses the challenges that formerly incarcerated people face when they try to find housing after being released. It works by matching a person impacted by the criminal justice system to a homeowner who has a spare bedroom for 6 months.
It's a win-win for communities. Formerly incarcerated individuals get back on their feet, when housing is typically a huge challenge. The program pays a stipend to homeowners of $45 a day, which helps people afford to stay in their homes with rising housing costs. The stability reduces recidivism and strengthens justice-impacted people's families and communities.

“The Homecoming Project has placed nearly 100 people and there are 14 people currently connected with host homes. The program boasts a 95% rate of individuals who leave with long-term housing and 96% who leave with employment.” - Aishatu Yusuf, Vice President of Innovation Programs for Impact Justice
Learn more about The Homecoming Project and their initiatives here:
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