Aventiv Technologies is partnering with justice-impacted entrepreneurs to launch Justice Sandbox. Justice Sandbox aims to help incarcerated individuals in the US successfully reenter society by eliminating the digital divide. The educational, employment, and inspirational content will be available on 650,000 Securus tablets distributed in prisons and jails.

On the tablets, along with Hope Media and R3UP apps, Honest Jobs - a job board solely designed for justice-impacted job seekers - will help incarcerated people see which companies hire people with criminal records and how compatible their charge is with each job. Gaining employment is one of the most important aspects of successfully reentering society.
"People in prison want to see themselves in the future, and Justice Sandbox gives them the motivation and access they need to complete their sentences and plan for a better tomorrow. Men and women in prison should not have to compete for a handful of programming and reentry readiness slots and I'm proud to be part of a program that puts reentry readiness information directly in their hands via modern tablets." - said Andre Norman, Aventiv Board Member and Co-founder of the Hope Media App
Learn more about Justice Sandbox and the justice-impacted entrepreneurs partnering with Aventiv Technologies to make reentry easier: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/aventiv-technologies-partners-with-justice-system-impacted-tech-founders-to-launch-justice-sandbox-a-reentry-readiness-content-marketplace-301897058.html
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We're focused on employment, with over 300,000+ background-friendly jobs and jobs for felons across the U.S. We also have a nationwide Resource Center to search for help with housing and other necessities beyond employment! Join today: www.HonestJobs.com